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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Beware of the signs

A wise woman once said,

"When you agree to take the chance to fall in love, that
you're responsible for a heartbreak OR a happily ever after."

Think about that quote for a second.

Whether you're married or in a relationship, remember the time when you've given up all the things you hold dear for the other person. You said to yourself, "I'M IN LOVE!!! The rest, I don't care."
So a week has gone by. You find yourself smiling for no reason. You start saying HI to strangers. You stare at the mirror 10 minutes longer. You start listening to Clay Aiken even though you hate it. You keep your phone close by just in case he calls. You are dating Mr. Wonderful. He's tall, a jock, with blue eyes.

When you go out to dinner, he opens the car door for you. He tells you, "Honey, you look beautiful." In the restaurant, he listens to every words that are coming out of your mouth. He laughs at every funny things you tell him. He pays a close attention to your needs.

Now fast forward to six months.

You're madly in love with him. This time all of your dreams consist of his face. You start picturing what would your future like with him. What your children look like. What your house looks like. You start to daydream about a pink house with a white picket fence, 2 kids ( a boy and a girl), and a dog..maybe a cat.

But the only different thing this time is...

the phone rings once a month..maybe twice. He doesn't remember your birthday. You find yourself sitting in your living room waiting for him to pick you up for a date... 1 hour..2 hours.. he didn't come. And tears running down your cheeks. You're mad. You feel stupid for putting on a cute dress, curl your hair in a special way. All for him. Just for him to like you back.

And one day, he accidentaly shows up on your door step. Somehow he doesn't look the same anymore. He forgets to shave, his clothes smell like weed, his breath smells like alcohol.

He is not Mr. Wonderful anymore.

But you're still in love with him. And you make a vow to take care of him. You say to yourself,
"It's probably just a phase. He's going through a rough time and I'm going to help him."

So that's what you do. You help him get better. Only he doesn't get better, ever. He starts to call you names, forget your birthday, forget your anniversary, forget to call you, forget about your dates. He comes in and out of your life as he please. He treats you like a piece of garbage.

and you let him. Because you love him.

and he kicks you out of his walk back home in the middle of a cold winter night because he was high and drunk. The man has finally kicked you in the curb...It was 3 years ago since you've met him.

3 years of waiting, and hoping and praying for him to have finally realized how much you loved him, to realize that he needs to love you back.

But why did she need 3 years to finally realized that he doesn't deserve her?

Because she doesn't realized that she cannot change a person who doesn't want to change.

that a man cannot teach a pig to sing.

There were road signs all pointed to a heartbreak. She chose to close her eyes and proceed with caution. All because of love.

"Love makes you do crazy things," they say.

It's true.
That woman was me.

But I've learned as time's gone by. I've learned when to give love, when to walk away from love. I've learned to pay attention to the signs. I've learned to listen to my intuition.
The colored lens glasses have finally come off.
And I can see love better from the end of the tunnel.

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