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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Me time. When was the last time you have one?
For me, "Me Time" is a must. If I didn't have one I'd be crazy by now..krrraaazaaay!!! Like wanting to pull my hair out, crazy.. like want to chew my hand off and throw it to people wanna bite my toe nails crazy (ewww...who does that??). You get the idea of how crazy I can get.

Oprah once told me ( the world actually.he.he...) that she gets too tired of hearing people's stories. Good, bad, happy, sad, anything & everything. She'd go home and take everything in personally to the point that she can't function. So her solution is to take herself out of the commotion to gain sanity. She'd imagine herself stepping out of the conversation and be in her own world (in the head so to speak).

So what's going on in your life?

If you say "My life is pefect"- then great!! I am happy for you.

But even when you don't have trouble in your world, don't say that you've never felt exhausted for the hustle and bustle of people pulling you left and right. Damn demands!! They should put people in jail for making demands.

What would life be without demands???

It would be boring. B-O-R-I-N-G. It's just too easy. Like a bird flying away in the blue sky without smashing itself into a clear window, like the ducks crossing the street peacefully without getting smashed by a Toyota...and we'd all be sleeping until noon, forget the traffic and stoopid boss and the guy next to your cubicle who laughs like a hyena.

But it's real life, people!!!

People drive you crazy. The bills drive you crazy. Your adorable kids drive you crazy sometimes ;) yelling mommy mommy mommy mommy!!!!!!!. Stupid vacuum cleaner that doesn't work. The mall that closes too damn early. Nicorette patch that doesn't work. Your husband just leave dirty clothes all over the living room. You bought the wrong color lipstick. You gain 20 pounds. You notice a new cellulite on your butt. You don't understand a single guy in the world. You're still wondering why guys still watches porn it just drives you baloney. They all sell jeans that hangs low half your ass. They sell thongs way cheaper than fully covered butt underwear at Vickies. You wonder and ponder, trying to understand what the hell is going on with the world.

You become sick, and tired and exhausted.

So this is what I do.

I shut the door to the world. 4 hours a week of ME TIME!!! Cell phone off. Leave a message..I am getting my sanity back.

Go to thrift stores . The price doesn't drive me crazy. Who cares about the smell of thrift stores?? I don't.. F**k yucky smell. You'd be surprise of what you'll find there. A belt of $1.00, shoes for $3.00

Go to the ice cream parlor by yourself. Order your favorite ice cream. Tell the Atkins diet people to go to hell. Ear muffs...lalalalalalalalalala... I am not listening. What??? I can't hear you. 1 scoop of ice cream with 100 me. I am having 2 scoops with hot fudge, caramel, oreos, sprinkles. Sue me. Hand me a napkin, will ya?

Go to arts & crafts store by yourself. Go make a pottery. You'd be surprise by getting you hands dirty can relax you. Go ahead spin.. spin the clay. Put any color you want. Forget the color wheel. F**k that shit. Make your own bracelet.. sell it on ebay for more price..he.he.he.

Go to the book store. Sit down and read whatever you wanna read. Kamma sutra, Harry Potter..whateverrrr you want. Who's stopping you. Grab everything and read.. what you like. Not some stuff that people recommend you on the internet. Forget reviews.

Go to the movie theatre BY YOURSELF. In your pajamas if you have to with your furry slippers and pig tails. Buy popcorn and smother it with extra butter. Chose whatever movie you feel like watching. Sit there alone. Laugh out loud!! Cry out loud. Hey- I am not here to judge.

Go talk to strangers. Believe me, it works. Your bestfriends can annoy you sometimes, your mom, your sister, your brother, your boyfriend. Talking to a complete stranger brings a new atmosphere. Of course I am not telling you to go to a creepy guy from the street. I mean cashiers at the grocery store, the lady who shampoo your hair at the salon. Ask about their day, talk about nothing at all, be silly. Hey-they're stangers. Chances are, you won't see them again.

We all need to have "Me Time" Hafta hafta hafta.. do whatever you want. You don't have to go out of your house. Just lock your bedroom door and dance to a stupid song NAKED!! Go ahead!! Go!!! one is watching.

Ear muffs to the world.


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